Agrochemical Regulatory News&Database
Disease and Pest Occurrence in China
Disease and Pest Occurrence in China
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This report is about disease and pest occurrence on crops in China. Basic information such as occurrence, control and yield loss of crops resulted by pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in China was reported in detail in the report in order to guide investments and business movements for the players who pay close attention to the industry or try to find opportunities from it.

In China, the overall occurrence of pests, diseases, weeds and rodents on crops was in a severe state during 2006–2016. Although the rising trend of the occurrence of pests, diseases, weeds and rodents has slowed in China, the situation remains serious in recent years.

According to the prediction from the National Agricultural Technology Extension and Service Center (NATESC) in Dec. 2016, pests like rice planthoppers, wheat aphids, pests on corn and diseases like rice sheath blight and wheat head blight may strike heavily, while wheat stripe rust, rice blast, corn northern leaf blight and potato late blight may occur moderately in China in 2017.

Below researches on the historical occurrence of pests, diseases, weeds and rodents on crops have been conducted to provide more information:
Overview of occurrence, control and yield loss of crops resulted by pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in China, 2006–2016
Review of occurrence of pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in China in 2016
Situation of pests and diseases on crops in China, 2012–2016
Occurrence of pests and diseases on rice in China, 2012–2016
Occurrence of pests and diseases on wheat in China, 2012–2016
Occurrence of pests and diseases on corn in China, 2012–2016
Prediction of disease and pest occurrence in China in 2017
Prediction of disease occurrence in China in 2017
Prediction of pest occurrence in China in 2017


Executive summary
1 Overview of occurrence, control and yield loss of crops resulted by pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in China, 2006-2016
2 Review of occurrence of pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in China in 2016
3 Situation of pests and diseases on crops in China, 2012-2016
3.1 Occurrence of pests and diseases on rice in China, 2012-2016
3.2 Occurrence of pests and diseases on wheat in China, 2012-2016
3.3 Occurrence of pests and diseases on corn in China, 2012-2016
4 Prediction of disease and pest occurrence in China in 2017
4.1 Prediction of disease occurrence in China in 2017
4.2 Prediction of pest occurrence in China in 2017

Table 1-1 Occurrence area, control area and yield loss of crops resulted by pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in China, 2006–2016
Table 3.1-1 Planting area, yield loss and occurrence area of pests and diseases on rice in China, 2012–2016
Table 3.1-2 Yield loss caused by five main pests and diseases on rice in China, 2012–2015
Table 3.1-3 Pesticides used to control five main pests and diseases on rice in China
Table 3.2-1 Planting area, yield loss and occurrence area of pests and diseases on wheat in China, 2012–2016
Table 3.2-2 Yield loss caused by seven main pests and diseases on wheat in China, 2012–2015
Table 3.2-3 Pesticides used to control seven main pests and diseases on wheat in China
Table 3.3-1 Planting area, yield loss and occurrence area of pests and diseases on corn in China, 2012–2016
Table 3.3-2 Yeild loss caused by five main pests and diseases on corn in China, 2012–2015
Table 3.3-3 Pesticides used to control five main pests and diseases on corn in China

Figure 2-1 Occurrence and control area of pests, diseases, weeds and rodents in China, 2016