GB 2763-2021 Restructuring Plus (by Food Commodity)Nov 12, 2021China enacted the new pesticide MRL regulation in September 2021, consisting of 10092 MRLs for 564 pesticides in 13 main food categories. Nevertheless, these MRLs are edited in separate sections which are sorted by the initials of the Chinese common name of each active ingredient, requiring users to look up each section for their specific commodities. Furthermore, food commodities may be subject to MRLs than what appeared in the legal text due to the complexity of food classification and the introduction of group MRLs. It is true about the numbers of MRLs for a single food commodity vary from 40 to over 200, but group MRLs were often overlooked by food enterprises.For more infomation about the features of China's pesticide MRL regulation, please see our article:An Insight into China’s New Pesticide MRL Regulation (GB 2763-2021)To facilitate food enterprises to inquiry about relevant MRLs, this ebook untangled all MRLs and associated commodities from each section and rearranged the MRLs into 17 sections (MRLs for animal-derived food were further divided into 5 sections, namely livestock and poultry meats/offal, eggs, raw milk, milk fat and aquatic products). Group MRLs are listed at the front of each section or sub-section, followed by every single commodity with their applicable group MRLs and single-commodity MRLs. Contact : agrochem@Chemlinked.com to order this ebook.we will contact and transfer the document 3 working days after receving the payment notification.Our premium users may get this Ebook for free, please also contact agrochem@Chemlinked.com to request the translation copy.$1,500
English Translation of GB 2763-2021 National Food Safety Standard-Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticide in FoodSep 24, 2021From September 3 2021, China began to carry out its new pesticide MRL regulation, the GB 2763-2021, and the total number of statutory MRLs increased from 7107 in 2019 to 10092 in 2021.The main changes of GB 2763-2021 reflected in the following aspects:Added 81 pesticides, including 2,4-DB;Added 2985 MLRs;Added 7 standards for test methods, revised 2 standards for testing methods, and removed 2 standards for testingmethods;Added ADIs for 66 pesticides including 2,4-DB;Revised the Chinese common name of Fosthiazate and English common names of 3 pesticides including 2,4-Ddimethyl amine salt;Revised 194 MLRs previously promulgated;Revised the residue definition of 12 pesticides including Fluazifop;Revised the ADIs for 4 pesticides including Fenpropimorph;Temporary MRLs for 17 pesticides including MCPA (sodium) have been changed into formal ones and formalMRLs for 3 pesticides including Cycloxydim have been changed into temporary ones;Revised the Nominative Reference Annex A by adding 20 food names, including whole wheatmeal, and revising 15 food namesContact : agrochem@Chemlinked.com to order the full English copy.we will contact and transfer the document 3 working days after receving the payment notification.Our premium users may get this Ebook for free, please also contact agrochem@Chemlinked.com to request the translation copy.$1,060
English Translation of South Korean Pesticide Control ActJul 03, 2020The purpose of this Act is to promote improvement in the quality of pesticides, the establishment of order in the distribution and safe use thereof, and to contribute to agricultural production and the conservation of the living environment by prescribing matters concerning the production, importation, sale, and use of pesticides. In particular, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs shall formulate and implement measures necessary to develop and distribute high-quality pesticides.$20
Chinese Translation of OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals(version 2013)Jun 16, 2020The OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals is a collection of about 150 of the most relevant internationally agreed testing methods used by government, industry and independent laboratories to identify and characterise potential hazards of chemicals. They are a set of tools for professionals, used primarily in regulatory safety testing and subsequent chemical and chemical product notification, chemical registration and in chemical evaluation. They can also be used for the selection and ranking of candidate chemicals during the development of new chemicals and products and in toxicology research. This group of tests covers health effects.$20
GB2763-2019 National Food Safety Standard-Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticide in FoodDec 17, 2019GB 2763-2019 contains 7107 MRLs for 483 pesticides in 356 categories of food commodities. It also provides MRLs for all banned/restricted pesticies in all types of commodity. 44 pesticides have been inluded into the list of low risk pesticides exempted from MRLs.Translation sample: Sample Translation of GB 2763-2019.pdfplease also see our analysis on "Interpreting the GB 2763-2019 and Forecasting China's Pesticide MRLs Regulation"Contact : agrochemChemlinked.com to order the full English copy.we will contact and transfer the document 3 working days after receving the payment notification.Our premium users may get this Ebook for free, please also contact agrochemChemlinked.com to request the translation copy.$549
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