The demand for biocides and disinfecting products has increased tremendously in many global markets such as China, Korea, Europe and the United States bringing with it lucrative business opportunities for global companies within the biocides industry.
However, in order to ensure the safety of biocides and disinfecting products placed on the market, governments in different nations have enacted stringent supervisory systems to assess the safety and efficacy of these products. Prominent examples include China’s Disinfectant Regulations, Korea’s K-REACH, EU Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), and the U.S. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) which all impose stringent compliance requirements for biocide companies looking to export products to these markets.
In order to provide companies with comprehensive regulatory compliance advice and market access strategies REACH24H Consulting Group will hold a free webinar on September 23, 2015 dealing with global biocides compliance solutions. The webinar will include a comprehensive analysis of current biocide regulatory frameworks as well as practical case studies covering a walkthrough of regulatory compliance strategies under the biocides regulations of the world’s four key markets: China, Korea, EU and USA.
Date: September 23, 2015
Time: Beijing Time (GMT+8) 21:00-23:00
New York Time (EDT) 09:00-11:00
GMT Time 14:00-16:00
China hygienic disinfectants compliance analysis
China veterinary disinfectants compliance analysis
Korea biocides compliance analysis
Biocidal products authorization compliance analysis
Active substance and treated article compliance analysis
EPA antimicrobial pesticides registration compliance analysis