On September 3, 2021, China began enforcing its new pesticide MRL regulation, “GB 2763-2021”, consisting of 10092 MRLs for 564 pesticides in 13 main food categories. The transformation from GB 2763-2019 to GB 2763-2021 represents by far the greatest variance compare to previous updates since 2012m, as 81 pesticides and 2985 MRLs were newly added. Besides, 16 banned/ restricted pesticides have their MRLs developed/amended in line with the detecting limit covering all plant-derived food/prohibited crops, which brings greater influence on the food supply chain. By combining the ideas and comments from MoARA drafters and food quality inspectors, this paper tries to characterize the main features of GB 2763-2021 and offer practical advice to the food-related sectors.
An Insight into China’s New Pesticide MRL Regulation (GB 2763-2021)
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