- Language:EN
- Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
- Page Number:783
- Author:REACH24H Agrochemical Division
- Release Date:/
- Price:$1,590
This comparison version reflects detailed differences between GB 2763-2021 and GB 2763-2019in the following aspects:
Added 81 pesticides, including 2,4-DB;
Added 2985 MLRs;
Added 7 standards for test methods, revised 2 standards for testing methods, and removed 2 standards for testing
Added ADIs for 66 pesticides including 2,4-DB;
Revised the Chinese common name of Fosthiazate and English common names of 3 pesticides including 2,4-D
dimethyl amine salt;
Revised 194 MLRs previously promulgated;
Revised the residue definition of 12 pesticides including Fluazifop;
Revised the ADIs for 4 pesticides including Fenpropimorph;
Temporary MRLs for 17 pesticides including MCPA (sodium) have been changed into formal ones and formal
MRLs for 3 pesticides including Cycloxydim have been changed into temporary ones;
Revised the Nominative Reference Annex A by adding 20 food names, including whole wheatmeal, and revising
15 food names
For more infomation about the features of China's pesticide MRL regulation, please see our article:
An Insight into China’s New Pesticide MRL Regulation (GB 2763-2021)
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