Agrochemical Regulatory News&Database
GB 2763-2021 Restructuring Plus (by Food Commodity)
GB 2763-2021 Restructuring Plus (by Food Commodity)
  • Language:EN
  • Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
  • Page Number:2007
  • Authority:REACH24H Agrochemical Division
  • Release Date:/
  • Price:$1,500
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China enacted the new pesticide MRL regulation in September 2021, consisting of 10092 MRLs for 564 pesticides in 13 main food categories. Nevertheless, these MRLs are edited in separate sections which are sorted by the initials of the Chinese common name of each active ingredient, requiring users to look up each section for their specific commodities. Furthermore, food commodities may be subject to MRLs than what appeared in the legal text due to the complexity of food classification and the introduction of group MRLs. It is true about the numbers of MRLs for a single food commodity vary from 40 to over 200, but group MRLs were often overlooked by food enterprises.

For more infomation about the features of China's pesticide MRL regulation,  please see our article:

An Insight into China’s New Pesticide MRL Regulation (GB 2763-2021)
To facilitate food enterprises to inquiry about relevant MRLs, this ebook untangled all MRLs and associated commodities from each section and rearranged the MRLs into 17 sections (MRLs for animal-derived food were further divided into 5 sections, namely livestock and poultry meats/offal, eggs, raw milk, milk fat and aquatic products). Group MRLs are listed at the front of each section or sub-section, followed by every single commodity with their applicable group MRLs and single-commodity MRLs.
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I.Commodities and MRLs    12
1 CEREALS    12
1.1 Gramineae    12
1.2 Triticeae    21
1.3 Upland Grains    52
1.4 Coarse Cereals    88
1.5 Processed Grains    135
2.1 Small-grained Oilseeds    177
2.2 Medium-grained Oilseeds    191
2.3 Large-grained Oilseed    200
2.4 Oils    221
3.1 Bulb Vegetables    249
3.2 Brassica Vegetables    311
3.3 Leafy Vegetables    383
3.4 Solanaceous Vegetables    523
3.5 Gourd Vegetables    579
3.6 Legume Vegetables    666
3.7 Stem Vegetables    741
3.7.1 Asparagus    745
3.8 Stem-rooted and Tuberous Vegetables    764
3.9 Aquatic Vegetables    890
3.10 Sprout Vegetables    948
3.11 Other Vegetables    975
5 FRUITS    1006
5.1 Citrus Fruits    1006
5.2 Pome Fruits    1078
5.3 Stone Fruits    1126
5.4 Berries and Other Small Fruits    1179
5.5 Tropical and Sub-tropical Fruits    1308
5.6 Melon Fruits    1460
6 DRIED FRUITS    1520
7 NUTS    1539
8 SUGAR CROPS    1569
9 BEVERAGES    1578
10 EDIBLE FUNGI    1598
11 CONDIMENTS    1654

13.1 Mammalian meats (excluding marine mammals)    1784
13.2 Mammalian offals (excluding marine mammals)    1831
13.3 Mammalian fat (excluding marine mammals)    1899
13.4 Mammalian fat (excluding milk fat)    1908
13.5 Poultry meat    1914
13.6 Poultry offal    1929
13.7 Poultry fat    1940
14 Eggs    1946
15 Raw Milk    1954
16 Milk Fat    1974
17 Aquatic Products    1974
II.ADI and Residue Definition    1975
III.Food Categories and Testing Parts    1995
IV List of Referenced Standards for Testing Method    2001