MoA Order 5 of 2017 "Administrative Measures for the Marketing License of Pesticide"
- Language:EN
- Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
- Page Number:16
- Translated by:Croplife China
- Release Date:/
- Price:Free
The measures are issued under the Decree 677 "Regulation on the Administration of Pesticides" and enacted as from August 1, 2017 and the marketing license system was firstly adopted in China nationwide. These measures stipulate the documents, minimum criteria, obligation and procedures for the application of marketing license.
- Chapter I General
- Chapter II Application and Acceptance
- Chapter III Review and Examination
- Chapter IV Alteration and Renewal
- Chapter V Supervision and Inspection
- Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
English Translation Series of China’s New Pesticide Regulations:
- China MoA Announcement 2569-Data Requirements on Pesticide Registration
- China MoA Order 3 of 2017-Administrative Measures for the Registration of Pesticide
- Decree 677 of State Council of the People’s Republic of China-Regulation on the Administration of Pesticides
- China MoA Order 4 of 20417-Administrative Measures for the Production License of Pesticide
- China MoA Order 6 of 2017-Adminstrative Measures for Pesticide Registration Labs
- China MoA Order 7 of 2017-Administrative Measures for Pesticide Labels and Manuals
- China MoA Announcement 2567-Catalogue of Restricted Pesticides (Version 2017)
- China MoA Announcement 2568-Rules for the Inspection on Pesticide Production License
- China MoA Announcement 2579- Announcement concerning the Format and Generation of 2D Codes on Pesticide Labels
- China MoA Announcement 2570-Rules for the Accreditation on Testing Facilities for Pesticide Registration and Good Laboratory Practice for the Experimentation of Pesticide Registration