MoA Order 7 of 2017 "Administrative Measures for Pesticide Labels and Manuals"
- Language:EN
- Format:Electronic Edition (Adobe PDF)
- Page Number:20
- Translated by:Croplife China
- Release Date:/
- Price:Free
The measures take effect on August 1, 2017 and replace the MoA order 8 of 2007. It provides the content, information, layout and mandatory information to be include on pesticide labels and manuals.
- Chapter I General
- Chapter II Contents of Labels
- Chapter III Production, Use and Management
- Chapter IV Supplementary Provisions
English Translation Series of China’s New Pesticide Regulations:
- China MoA Announcement 2569-Data Requirements on Pesticide Registration
- China MoA Order 3 of 2017-Administrative Measures for the Registration of Pesticide
- Decree 677 of State Council of the People’s Republic of China-Regulation on the Administration of Pesticides
- China MoA Order 4 of 20417-Administrative Measures for the Production License of Pesticide
- China MoA Order 5 of 2017-Administrative Measures for the Marketing License of Pesticide
- China MoA Order 6 of 2017-Adminstrative Measures for Pesticide Registration Labs
- China MoA Announcement 2567-Catalogue of Restricted Pesticides (Version 2017)
- China MoA Announcement 2568-Rules for the Inspection on Pesticide Production License
- China MoA Announcement 2579- Announcement concerning the Format and Generation of 2D Codes on Pesticide Labels
- China MoA Announcement 2570-Rules for the Accreditation on Testing Facilities for Pesticide Registration and Good Laboratory Practice for the Experimentation of Pesticide Registration