Application for the renewal of approval of the active substance bentazone
Public Consultation:PC-0898
Start Date:08/04/2024
End Date:07/06/2024
Scope of Consultation:
BASF SE submitted a number of studies and scientific data in the frame of an application for the renewal of approval of the active substance bentazone pursuant to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1740.
The relevance of these data for the risk assessment and their compliance with regulatory provisions will be checked by the Rapporteur Member State (RMS) and co-RMS in the preparation of the Assessment Report.
The public IUCLID dossier (dossier UUID: c52c54d4-eb06-4896-a282-5500524a52e5) is available at the link indicated below.
Information claimed to be confidential with respect to fields that correspond to the items listed in Article 63 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, has been removed from the dossier, where relevant, after the completion of the confidentiality assessment processed by EFSA.
This consultation aims at identifying whether other relevant scientific data, studies and other information part of, or supporting, the submitted Dossier – as per Article 32c(2) of the General Food Law Regulation – and in scope with the requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013 are available.
If you would like some useful tips on performing a public consultation on a IUCLID dossier, please check this short video:
Interested parties are invited to submit their comments by the indicated deadline.
Relevant contributions will be considered and addressed by the RMS and EFSA during the related peer review process.
Additional data or files to support the comments may be submitted solely by using the relevant function in the digital form. The name of any attached file shall include a reference to the comment it refers to (e.g. comment identifier, topic, etc.). The file/s shall be in a searchable format and accessible to allow downloading. Scanned documents will not be considered.
An e-mail will be automatically sent to the person submitting the comments notifying the successful submission.
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Assessment Report on the active substance nicosulfuron
Public Consultation:PC-0903
Start Date:11/04/2024
End Date:10/06/2024
Scope of Consultation:
EFSA's Pesticides Peer Review Unit has launched a public consultation on the active substance nicosulfuron to gather comments on the Rapporteur Member State’s Assessment Report.
Interested parties are invited to submit their comments by the indicated deadline. At the beginning of each comment, the reference to the assessment report corresponding to the comment should be given by indicating the Volume number, the chapter number, the page(s), and a short description following this structure: e.g. “Vol. 3, B.8.1, page(s) 41, Route and rate of degradation”.
“Vol. 3, B.6.1.2 through B.6.1.4, page(s) 34, Absorption, excretion and distribution studies. Justification for the adequacy of the use of a single radiolabel in these studies may be necessary.”
“Vol. 3, B.7.1.2, page(s) 22-23, Proposed MRLs. It is considered that MRLs should not be proposed for non-cereal food crops or poultry products (as intakes in poultry are not significant).”
Any comment on the Endocrine Disrupting properties can be submitted in subsection 2.13 “Endocrine Disrupting properties assessment for humans” and 5.9 “Endocrine Disrupting properties assessment for non-target organisms”.
Click for details:Public Consultation: (
Assessments following the clock stop on endocrine disruption properties for the active substance diflufenican in the context of pesticides peer review
Public Consultation:PC-0917
Start Date:19/04/2024
End Date:18/06/2024
Scope of Consultation:
EFSA's Pesticides Peer Review Unit has launched a public consultation on the active substance diflufenican to gather comments on the Rapporteur Member State’s Assessment Report following evaluation of the additional information submitted by the applicant in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation 2018/1659 to address the approval criteria on endocrine disruption set out in point 3.6.5 and/or point 3.8.2 of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009. The following documents were prepared:
• Revised Rapporteur Assessment Report
• Applicant’s documents submitted during clock-stop
Interested parties are invited to submit their comments by the indicated deadline. At the beginning of each comment, the reference to the assessment report corresponding to the comment should be given by indicating the Volume number, the chapter number, the page(s), and a short description following this structure: e.g. “Vol. 3, B.9.2.3., page(s) 18, Potential for endocrine disruption”.
Comments on the rapporteur Member State revised assessment report (RAR) should be submitted exclusively on the parts related to the assessment of the endocrine disrupting properties (highlighted with yellow in the revised RAR).
Click for details:Public Consultation: (
Application for the renewal of approval of the active substance Oxyfluorfention
Public Consultation:PC-0923
Start Date:26/04/2024
End Date:25/06/2024
Scope of Consultation:
ASCENZA AGRO, S.A submitted a number of studies and scientific data in the frame of an application for the renewal of approval of the active substance Oxyfluorfention pursuant to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1740.
The relevance of these data for the risk assessment and their compliance with regulatory provisions will be checked by the Rapporteur Member State (RMS) and co-RMS in the preparation of the Assessment Report.
The public IUCLID dossier (dossier UUID: da12b9e9-14e4-4f74-87cb-5e1fa55a8da8) is available at the link indicated below.
Information claimed to be confidential with respect to fields that correspond to the items listed in Article 63 of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009, has been removed from the dossier, where relevant, after the completion of the confidentiality assessment processed by EFSA.
This consultation aims at identifying whether other relevant scientific data, studies and other information part of, or supporting, the submitted Dossier – as per Article 32c(2) of the General Food Law Regulation – and in scope with the requirements of Commission Regulation (EU) No 283/2013 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 284/2013 are available.
If you would like some useful tips on performing a public consultation on a IUCLID dossier, please check this short video:
Interested parties are invited to submit their comments by the indicated deadline.
Relevant contributions will be considered and addressed by the RMS and EFSA during the related peer review process.
Additional data or files to support the comments may be submitted solely by using the relevant function in the digital form. The name of any attached file shall include a reference to the comment it refers to (e.g. comment identifier, topic, etc.). The file/s shall be in a searchable format and accessible to allow downloading. Scanned documents will not be considered.
An e-mail will be automatically sent to the person submitting the comments notifying the successful submission.
Click for details:Public Consultation: (
Article Source:EFSA