Agrochemical Regulatory News&Database
China Consults on Pesticide Packaging Waste Regulation

The storage, transport and disposal activities which take place at pesticide compounding facilities are subject to hazardous waste management. This expense must be covered by pesticide producers and dealers.

On 25 Dec 2017, China MOA and MEP jointly solicited public comments on a draft of “Administration Measures for the Recycling and Disposal of Pesticide Packaging Waste”. The draft defines the obligation and requirements on the collection, transportation, transfer, storage and disposal of pesticide packaging waste. The expense will be borne by pesticide producers and dealers.

In early 2015, MEP compiled a draft on “Interim Measures for the Package Waste recycling and disposal of Pesticide” . This time MoA was involved in the drafting, especially the revisions of “Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Law of Solid Wastes” in 2016 and “Regulation on the Administration of Pesticides” in 2017 and the new issuance of “Action Plan for the Control of Soil Pollution”. Two authorities will have divided supervisory duties:

  • The waste recycling by pesticide producers and dealers will be monitored by agricultural departments at county level while the pollution prevention and control during storage, transportation and disposal will be supervised by environmental departments;

  • The storage, transport and disposal activities occurring at gathering facilities are subject to hazardous waste management;

  • The transfer activities at gathering fcilities will be required. A hazardous waste transfer manifest and check will be additionally required for interprovincial transfer;

  • The recycling and disposal of household pesticide and packaging wastes will not be regulated as hazardous waste;

Reference Link

MEP's News Release(in Chinese)

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