Agrochemical Regulatory News&Database
China MoA Consults on 498 MRLs and 8 Determination Methods for Pesticide Residue in Food

On 30 Sep 2017, China MoA released 10 draft documents on pesticide residue monitoring and will solicit public opinion until 31 Oct 2017.

The documents proposes that 498 new MRLs of 130 pesticide active ingredients be integrated into the national food safety standard, “Maximum Residue Limits for Pesticide in Food (GB2763)”, which has been updated every 2 years since 2012. Method for the determination of pesticide residues and metabolites in food are drafted separately:

  1. National Food Safety Standard- Maximum Residue Limits for 71 Pesticide Active Ingredients including Abamectin (draft in Chinese);

  2. National Food Safety Standard- Maximum Residue Limits for 59 Pesticide Active Ingredients including Benzovindiflupyr (draft in Chinese);

  3. National Food Safety Standard- Method for the Determination of Glufosinate Residue in Plant Source Foods: LC-MS (draft in Chinese);

  4. National Food Safety Standard- Method for the Determination of Clopyralid Residue in Plant Source Foods: LC-MS (draft in Chinese);

  5. National Food Safety Standard- Method for the Determination of Forchlorfenuron Residue in Plant Source Foods: LC- Tandem MS (draft in Chinese);

  6. National Food Safety Standard- Method for the Determination of Flumetsulam Residue in Plant Source Foods: LC-MS (draft in Chinese);

  7. National Food Safety Standard- Method for the Determination of 9 Carbamates Residues and Metabolites in Plant Source Foods: Post-column Derivatization LC (draft in Chinese);

  8. National Food Safety Standard- Method for the Determination of 208 Pesticide Residues and Metabolites in Plant Source Foods: GC-MS (draft in Chinese);

  9. National Food Safety Standard- Method for the Determination of Blasticidine Residues in Plant Source Foods: LC-MS (draft in Chinese);

  10. National Food Safety Standard- Method for the Determination of 91 Organophosphates Residues and Metabolites in Plant Source Foods: GC (draft in Chinese);

Reference Link

MoA's News Release(in Chinese)

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