The geographic distribution, planting pattern, soil and climatic condition for various crops should be considered to obtain a scientific and representative data for dietary safety evaluation. Over 70 crops/species of 10 groups has been designated with applicable test zone geographically. Residue study with multiple test sites should differ in climatic zone, primary planting area and provincial jurisdiction, representing the impact of climate condition on pesticide residue.
On 6 Jun 2016, China ICAMA issued an interim guideline, the “Guideline on Crop/Area Distribution for the Residue Study of Pesticide Registration”, which will take effect on 1 Aug 2016.
The guideline was compiled under the “Regulation for the Control of Agriculture Chemicals”, “Data Requirement on Pesticide Registration”, the “National Plant for the Regional Layout of Competitive Agricultural Product (2008-2015)” and the “Regional Layout Plan for Characteristic Agricultural Product (2013-2020)”. The geographic distribution, planting pattern, soil type and climatic condition for various crops have been fully overhauled and takes into consideration scientific and representative data for dietary safety evaluation:
All test sites are classified into 13 test zones geographically;
Over 70 crops/species were divided into 10 crop grouping (grains, oil crop, vegetable, fruit, nut, sugar crop, beverage, edible fungi, flavor and Chinese herbal medicine);
Applicable test zones have been designated for each crops/species, which were divided into mandatory zone and/or optional zone. For crops designated with a mandatory zone, at least one test should be conducted in the mandatory zone and other tests can be conducted in optional zone in accordance with the minimum number required for residue test;
Geographically, the test sites should differ in climatic zone, primary planting area and provincial jurisdiction, representing the impact of climate condition on pesticide residue. Except for products with a specific regional use, tests conducted in two adjacent provincial areas will not be accepted;
ICAMA stressed that the tests should be performed by MoA-accredited facilities and the experiment should be designed accordingly. The procedures, condition and raw data should be traceable.